David Bath David Bath

David Bath

Senior Associate (Foreign Qualified) London

T: +44 20 7155 2738 M: +44 7977 051 654

David is a Senior Associate in the London Corporate group.

David specialises in mergers & acquisitions, advising listed and unlisted clients across a range of industries including transport, mining and resources, education, retail, and financial services.

Show related areas
  • Advising the majority owners of a reinsurance broking business in relation to the £350 million sale of their interests to the remaining interest holder who is listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
  • Advising the owners of a UK based hotel chain in relation to the £281 million sale of the group to a private equity buyer.
  • Advising a Thailand based purchaser in relation to its proposed acquisition of shares in the entities which owned and operated a hotel in central London.
  • Advising the purchaser in relation to the acquisition of shares in a Cyprus resident company which owned development site in West London.
  • Advising the management team of an FMCG business in relation to a group restructure and management buy-out.


  1. 2015 · University of Sydney (Master of Laws)
  2. 2006 · University of Technology, Sydney (Master of Law and Legal Practice)
  3. 1997 · Macquarie University (Master of Commerce)
  4. 1994 · University of Western Sydney (Bachelor of Commerce)

memberships and associations

  1. Law Society of New South Wales, Australia