Luca Sfrecola is a counsel in the Corporate Department in Rome office.

Luca specialises in corporate law and commercial contracts with an emphasis on contractual risk allocation in international project finance. His experience includes advising both lenders and sponsors on the drafting of project contracts and the arrangement of credit support.

Luca qualified as a New York attorney at law in 2005, Italian lawyer in 2007, and solicitor of England and Wales in 2008. He holds a Law Degree cum laude from the University of Bari, a Master of Laws (LL.M.) in International Business Practice from “Boston University School of Law” as recipient of a Fulbright scholarship and a PhD in European Private Law from the University of “Roma Tre” and the University of Zaragoza. He published extensively in the field of business and civil law.

In addition to Italian, Luca speaks English fluently.

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  1. 2005 – 2009: Doctorado in European Private Law, Thesis on contractual allocation of project finance risks (in Spanish), University of Roma Tre, IT – Universidad de Zaragoza,
  2. 2002 – 2003: LL.M. in American Law – International Business Practice, Boston University School of Law,
  3. 1996 – 2000: Law Degree, Marks: 110/110 cum laude (GPA: 29.67/30), Thesis on WTO and the environment (in Italian), University of Bari,

Luca Sfrecola è Counsel presso la sede di Roma di Watson Farley & Williams, Dipartimento Corporate.

Luca è specializzato in diritto societario e contrattualistica commerciale, con enfasi sull’allocazione contrattuale del rischio nella finanza di progetto internazionale.

Luca ha conseguito la qualifica di New York attorney at law nel 2005, avvocato in Italia nel 2007 e solicitor of England and Wales nel 2008. Laureatosi presso l’Università di Bari, ha conseguito un Master (LL.M.) in International Business Practice presso la “Boston University School of Law”, fruendo di una borsa di studio Fulbright, ed un Dottorato di Ricerca in diritto privato europeo presso l’Università di “Roma Tre” e la “Universidad de Zaragoza”. Ha al suo attivo numerose pubblicazioni giuridiche in ambito civile e commerciale.

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  1. 2005 – 2009: Dottorato in diritto privato europeo, Tesi: contractual allocation of project finance risks” (in Spanish), Università di Roma Tre, IT – Universidad de Zaragoza,
  2. 2002 – 2003: LL.M. in “American Law – International Business Practice”, Boston University School of Law,
  3. 1996 – 2000: Law Degree, Marks: 110/110 cum laude (GPA: 29.67/30), Thesis on WTO and the environment (in Italian), University of Bari,